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时间:2013-05-31 11:27 来源:未知 作者:华成法硕学校 点击:
 Gelato University
  The ivory towers of ice cream
  Jan 12th 2013 | ANZOLA DELL’EMILIA | from the print edition
  It drips, but who cares?
  WHAT is the most popular thing in the world? Music, guessed Donald Trump. No, replied his interviewer, Ali G; it is ice cream. The problem, however, is that ice cream drips. The solution, said the British comedian, is to sell “ice cream gloves” to stop people’s hands getting sticky. The Donald somehow kept a straight face.
  世界上什么最受欢迎?是音乐,唐纳德·特朗普猜道。不,是冰淇淋,采访他的Ali G回应道。问题是冰淇淋会滴水。这个英国喜剧演员要出售“冰淇淋手套”,防止人们把自己的手弄得粘糊糊的。不知怎的唐纳德却一直绷着脸。
  Carpigiani, an Italian firm that makes ice-cream machines, has a better business plan. Eschewing gloves, it is going into education. Its home market is saturated. Italy already boasts 37,000 artisanal gelato makers. Since there are only so many scoops of bacio one nation can eat, exports are now 80% of Carpigiani’s business. Alas, most foreigners have no idea how to make a proper gelato. So Carpigiani has set up Gelato University to teach them.
  In well-lit classrooms and shiny kitchens in Anzola dell’Emilia, near Bologna, where Carpigiani has its factory, students from Russia, Belgium, Colombia, Morocco, Japan, Britain and Turkey are learning the secrets of selecting the perfect ingredients and freezing them. Lawrence Fama, a retired chemical engineer, hopes to set up an ice-cream shop in his home city of San Francisco. Corrado Barberis, an Italian economist, aims to take the real deal to Lille in northern France.